Den 16-18 maj arrangerade LSU globalkonferensen på temat: Climate Change. CISV Sweden såväl som CISV International fanns representerade. De internationella juniorrepresentanterna (IJRs), Kelly Bowden och Marcos Tourinho bloggar här om sina erfarenheter:From March 16th to 18th, 2008 we had the pleasure of attending the LSU (Swedish Council of Youth Organizations) Global conference on Climate Change. This conference was an incredible opportunity for us, as IJRs, to expand our knowledge on a very important and relevant world topic, to understand and learn from LSU as an organization, as well as to make connections and network with the other groups and participants that were present. It was also particularly interesting for us to reflect about how CISV deal with both environmental issues and its external relations and consider ways to improve. We are really happy and inspired by the outcome of this conference. Also, we were happy to be able to spend some time prior to and after the meeting working with the NJRs from Sweden. In this brief report we will give you an overview of some of the key insights gained and what we believe their relevance and application to our work in IJB and CISV can be. We believe that in addition to having gained something from this experience ourselves and for our work it is equally as important to share that gain with other relevant parties in CISV.
Using Experts in the FieldDuring the conference there was an excellent combination of participatory workshops and contributions from more professional participants. It is clear that participatory workshopping is a strength of CISV, and it was clear from this conference to note the positive impact of more academic and professional inputs. IJB is attempting to provide this more factual footing to our JB activities through our current theme pack. We believe that further research and creating links with “experts in the field” relevant to our work (or more specific areas of our work) would increase the quality of CISV’s programs and workshops.
Networking EnvironmentsA significant portion of the conference was devoted to creating space for “networking”. What was interesting was the attitude and desire of participants to engage and find out information about anyone they possibly could. The attitude was that cooperation was a clear benefit and that any opportunity available was worth pursuing until more through conversations had taken place to indicate that a specific cooperation of some form was orwas not possible. We believe that CISV can gain two ideas from this experience: Firstly, that CISV (nor any organization for that matter) is specifically/actively sought out to be partnered with. We must be more direct and active in engaging potential LMO partners. Secondly, CISV should consider the merit of being less discriminatory in relation to who they consider to follow through on cooperative efforts and partnerships with. This does not mean being less discriminatory in the partnerships we create, but simply in the way we filter consciously or unconsciously the types of organizations or groups which would make “good” partners for CISV. The idea of pursuing conversations and information sharing to the point where it was almost exhaustive we found quite impressive, and clearly demonstrated the active and openminded nature of the ways in which many organizations were seeking partnerships.
CISV & the EnvironmentConsidering the theme of the conference, it is natural that it has given us not only personal insights on the issue, but also connect it to CISV. We spent quite sometime reflecting about how CISV could be more environmentally friendly (in particular considering our airplaneoriented activities), as well as how we could modernize our environmental education section. For the latter, it was easier. The two of us, exactly at the time, were working with the Educational Officer on revising the educational content of CISV; the impact was immediate. As for the first one, there is still some reflection going on. We know it reinforces the idea that the CISV Programmes should be more cost-effective (thinking the word “cost” in a very broad way), but also illustrates in many ways how we deal as an organisation with theory our and practice.
Thinking on CISVOne of the sessions provided was strategies for long term visioning and planning. The exercise asked us to consider the leadership, priorities, programs and activites of our organizations in 10 years from now, 5 years from now, 3 years from now and within the next year. Luckily a handful of CISVers were present and were able to create an interesting dialogue during this activity about the future of CISV as an organization.
In conclusion, we would like to thank LSU and CISV Sweden for making our attendance at this event possible. Without the initiative of CISV Sweden to contact and connect us in with this relevant and exciting opportunity we would not have had the privilege of attending. We hope that NAs, Committees and JBs the world over can take something from this example of how to link and use NGO partners an an appropriate and productive way.
Many Thanks,
Kelly Bowden | Marcos Tourinho
International Junior Representatives 2007-2008